What Is WorldQuest?

WorldQuest is a fun and entertaining global knowledge competition that tests participants' knowledge of current events, geography, international politics, world history and foreign policy. Linked to the World Affairs Councils of America's Academic WorldQuest, the program challenges its local affiliates to sponsor their own WorldQuest competition and send one high school team to participate in the annual National Academic WorldQuest competition held in Washington DC.

The World Affairs Council of Hampton Roads holds its annual WorldQuest competition and invites teams of 8 players (or less) from across our region to compete for prizes in a fast-paced and engaging international affairs extravaganza.  Dinner is served and the game begins! We sell out every year so it's important to register your team as soon as possible.  Individual player names do not need to be announced before the competition, however, teams must register by the deadline in order to participate.

Build Your Team Now! 

    • High School Students (One Team per School)

    • College Students (One Team per School)

    • Faculties

    • General (Business, Non-Profit, Club, Civic Organization, etc.)

    • General/Corporate

  • The winning high school team from Hampton Roads will send four students to compete in the World Affairs Councils of America Carlos and Malú Alvarez Academic WorldQuest National Competition held in Washington DC in April

  • The national competition is attended by more than 225 of the nation’s most promising high school students, along with their parents, teachers, and chaperones.

  • High School team sponsors will receive dinner and a $50.00 stipend.

Our local winners from Frank W. Cox High School at the 2023 Carlos and Malú Alvarez

Academic WorldQuest National Competition!